Films about eating plant based diet

Movie selections

Films about eating a plant-based diet delve into the implications, benefits, and challenges of adopting a lifestyle that avoids animal products. These films often feature nutritional advice, environmental impacts, and personal journeys. They provide insights into how plant-based living can affect health, animal welfare, and the environment. Here is a list of films that explore the concept of a plant-based diet:

“Forks Over Knives”, 2011

Director: Lee Fulkerson

films about eating plant based diet - Forks Over Knives

This documentary focuses on the claim that most degenerative diseases can be controlled or even reversed by rejecting animal-based and processed foods.

Starring: Lee Fulkerson, Matthew Lederman, Alona Pulde, T. Colin Campbell, Caldwell Esselstyn Jr., Joey Aucoin, John McDougall, Connie Diekman, Pam Popper, Doug Lisle;
Production year: 2011;
Genre: documentary;
MPAA rating: pg;
Duration: 96 min.;
Rating: IMDB: 7,7;

More information about the film “Forks Over Knives” on the website

“What the Health”, 2017

Director: Kip Andersen, Keegan Kuhn

films about eating plant based diet - What the Health

Directed by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, this film follows the journey of uncovering the effects of a plant-based diet on personal health and the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.

Starring: Kip Andersen, Larry Baldwin, Neal Bernard, Tia Blanco, David Carter, Jake Conroy, Garth Davis, Healthy Emmie, Caldwell Esselstyn Jr., Mike Ewall;
Production year: 2017;
Genre: documentary;
Duration: 97 min.;
Rating: IMDB: 7,2;

More information about the film “What the Health” on the website

“The Game Changers”, 2018

Director: Louie Psihoyos

films about eating plant based diet - The Game Changers

This film, produced by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Jackie Chan, presents the story of James Wilks as he travels the world on a quest for the truth about meat, protein, and plant-based diets.

Starring: James Wilks, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Patrik Baboumian, Dotsie Bausch, Tia Blanco, Nimai Delgado, Rip Esselstyn, Kendrick Farris, Mischa Janiec, Bryant Jennings;
Production year: 2018;
Genre: documentary, sport;
Duration: 86 min.;
Rating: IMDB: 7,8;

More information about the film “The Game Changers” on the website

“Vegucated”, 2011

Director: Marisa Miller Wolfson

films about eating plant based diet - Vegucated

This documentary follows three meat and cheese-loving New Yorkers who agree to adopt a vegan diet for six weeks, exploring the challenges and benefits of a plant-based lifestyle.

Starring: Marisa Miller Wolfson, Chloe Davis, Cody Tarlow, Molly Wadzeck, Marj Kleinman, Kneel Cohn, Margaret Rose Champagne, Steven Bari, Eric Piatowski, Chris Nixon, Meghan Scibona, Tesla Lobo, Brian Flegel, Ellen Mausner, Jesus Chirinos, Annie Chirinos, Oscar Lobo, Debbie Mausner, Mark Mausner, Joel Fuhrman, Julia Spagnoli, Lisa Fuhrman, Sean Fuhrman, Robin Jeff, Doug Shapiro, Leanne Broag, Kenneth Williams, Ivy Ducote, Tristan Ducote, Jason Tracy, T. Colin Campbell, Stephen Kaufman, Howard Lyman, Milton Mills, Cayce Mell, Aedan Tracy, Veronica Simms, John Simms, Moni Woweries, Jasmin Singer, Harry Carrasquillo, Bart Potenza, Ashok Kamal, Iliya Hamovic, Daniella Ramadei, Elaine Sloane, Robert Friedlander, Emily Woesthoff, Jacqueline Jacobs, Naheem Francis, Nazion Francis, Shelly Shenoy, Delia Chirinos;
Production year: 2011;
Genre: documentary, comedy;
Duration: 76 min.;
Rating: IMDB: 7,1;

More information about the film “Vegucated” on the website

“Eating You Alive”, 2016

Director: Paul David Kennamer Jr.

films about eating plant based diet - Eating You Alive

This film examines the reasons why so many Americans are in poor health and how switching to a plant-based diet can do wonders for one's well-being.

Starring: Suzy Amis, Neal Bernard, James Cameron, T. Colin Campbell, Jarik Conrad, Andrea Conway, Jimmy Conway, Caldwell Esselstyn Jr., Andrew Freeman, Joel Fuhrman, Jeff Garrett, Jeffrey Garrett, Brooke Goldner, Michael Greger, Samuel L. Jackson, Penn Jillette, John McDougall, Amanda McKinney, Dean Ornish, Andrew W. Saul, Scott Stoll, Randy Titony, Ross Weinick, Susan Weinick, Kim Williams;
Production year: 2016;
Genre: documentary;
Duration: 108 min.;
Rating: IMDB: 7,9;

More information about the film “Eating You Alive” on the website

“Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret”, 2014

Director: Kip Andersen, Keegan Kuhn

films about eating plant based diet - Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret

Produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, this documentary uncovers the environmental impacts of animal agriculture and promotes a move towards a sustainable, plant-based diet.

Starring: Bruce Hamilton, Kip Andersen, Al Gore, Heather Cooley, Manucher Alemi, Kamyar Guivetchi, Richard Oppenlander, Kirk R. Smith, Demosthenes Maratos, Will Tuttle;
Production year: 2014;
Genre: documentary, news;
Duration: 90 min.;
Rating: IMDB: 8,1;

These films provide a spectrum of perspectives on the plant-based diet, from personal health to global sustainability.

In conclusion, films about adopting a plant-based diet serve as powerful tools that both educate and inspire viewers. They shed light on the health benefits, environmental sustainability, and ethical considerations associated with choosing plant-based foods. By incorporating personal testimonies, expert opinions, and empirical evidence, such films pave the way for informed decision-making when it comes to dietary choices. Whether you're a staunch meat-eater or a vegan veteran, these films provoke thoughtful reflection on the impact of our food choices, making them essential viewing for anyone looking to make more conscious decisions about their health and the planet.

Katie Knight
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