Films about charles de gaulle

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Films About Charles de Gaulle

General Description:

Films about Charles de Gaulle depict the life and political career of Charles de Gaulle, a French army officer and statesman who led Free France against Nazi Germany in World War II and later served as the President of the French Republic. These films explore de Gaulle's role in the war, his leadership of the Free French, and his efforts to restore democracy in France. They provide insights into his personal life, his relationship with his wife Yvonne, and his interactions with other political leaders.


“De Gaulle”, 2020

Director: Gabriel Le Bomin

films about charles de gaulle - De Gaulle

Directed by Gabriel Le Bomin, this film is set in June 1940 during the military and political collapse of France. It follows the de Gaulle couple, with Charles de Gaulle joining London while his wife Yvonne finds herself on the road of the exodus with their three children. The film portrays the challenges faced by de Gaulle and his efforts to rally support for the Free French movement. Lambert Wilson delivers a plausible portrayal of de Gaulle [[2]]( [[3]](

Starring: Lambert Wilson, Isabelle Carré, Olivier Gourmet, Catherine Mouchet, Pierre Hancisse, Sophie Quinton, Gilles Cohen, Alain Lenglet, Laurent Stocker, Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu, Tim Hudson, Nicolas Vaude, Philippe Laudenbach, Clémence Hittin, Félix Back, Lucie Rouxel, Marilou Aussilloux, Victor Belmondo, Stanislas Hittin, Amicie Hittin, Bernard Lanneau, Nicolas Robin, Andrew Bicknell, Claudine Acs, Philippe Dusseau, Jacques Roehrich, Conor Lovett, Barnaby Apps, Juliette Steimer, Jérôme Chappatte, Jean-Baptiste Artigas, Pierre-Alain Chapuis, Cyrille Andrieu-Lacu, Jean-Noël Martin, Eric Franklin, Gaspard Caens, Cédric Weber, Frédéric Epaud, Antoine Blanquefort, Blaine Pettebone, Camille Le Bomin, Jeanne Le Bomin, Bernard Collins, Olivier Raynal, Gauthier Bührer, Clémence Oudni, Alix Denis, Evelyne Buyle, Ross Donnelly, Kester Lovelace;
Production year: 2020;
Genre: drama, biography, history, war;
Age: 18+;
Duration: 108 min.;
Rating: IMDB: 6,1;

More information about the film “De Gaulle” on the website

Please note that these are just a few examples of films about Charles de Gaulle. There may be other films or documentaries that explore different aspects of his life and career.

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The selection of films about Charles de Gaulle offers a fascinating glimpse into the life and legacy of this iconic historical figure. From biopics that delve into his early military career to captivating portrayals of his leadership during World War II and beyond, these films capture the complexity and unwavering determination of de Gaulle. Whether through intense war dramas or intimate character studies, each film contributes to a multifaceted portrait of a man whose influence reverberated far beyond his era. Through these cinematic interpretations, audiences are invited to reflect on the enduring impact of de Gaulle's leadership, making this collection a compelling exploration of history and heroism.

Katie Knight
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